Free Business Names and Logos with Available Domains

Our smart search gathers the best premium domain names from around the web. Find a unique and available business name in minutes.

Choose a Keyword

Think of some creative and unique words that relate to your business. Enter one into the search.

Get Company Name Ideas

The intelligent generator will give you thousands of original name ideas. Use filters to make the list more manageable.

Select Your Favorite Names

Highlight your favorite names and choose one that sums up your company’s vibe or theme.

Generate Incredible, Catchy Business Name Ideas Instantly

Unlock endless possibilities with Brandroot’s top-of-the-line free business name generator. Our AI-powered technology generates hundreds of catchy business name ideas at lightning speed, giving you an edge over the competition.

But we don’t just stop there- all of the business names generated by Brandroot are available to register as .com domains, ensuring you can secure the perfect name for your business without any hiccups. Don’t settle for anything less, elevate your brand with Brandroot’s business name generator today!

Business Name Ideas

A business name can be many things, but it should at least be catchy, unique, and tailored to the industry that you are entering. The vibe, the tone, the feel—it should all come together to create a name that speaks to your target audience and captures what your company is about. Here are some ideas for you:

To help out, we’ve gathered five of the most creative and successful company names from various industries to provide you with some inspiration. Whether you opt for an abstract name or a more conventional one, understanding how other businesses have approached the process can give you valuable insight.


This athletic apparel giant has become one of the most recognizable brands in the world. Its name was inspired by the Greek goddess of victory, Nike, and it perfectly captures their spirit and mission.


Starbucks, one of the world’s most beloved coffee companies, derives its name from Moby-Dick’s first mate, Starbuck, a symbol of loyalty and friendship. The name fits the company’s commitment to providing the best possible customer experience.


The e-commerce giant named itself after the world’s longest river to reflect its ambition and global reach. The name also highlights the company’s commitment to offering a vast selection of products from around the world.


This travel company chose its name to reflect its mission of providing comfortable, affordable lodging anywhere in the world. The “air” represents air travel, and the “b&b” stands for bed and breakfast.


This cloud storage company named itself to reflect the ease of use it offers customers. The name implies the ease of “dropping a box” into their system, aligning with the company’s goal to make storage effortless.

Unleash the Power of a Memorable Business Name

Discovering the perfect name for your business is a critical aspect of building a strong brand identity that customers will remember. To help you get started, consider these tips:

Brainstorm keywords

Create a list of words that perfectly capture the essence of your business, its values, and what it stands for. This will help you more clearly define what it is that you are looking for in a business name.

Keep it Simple

When it comes to naming your business, the simpler the better. A simple name is easier to remember and pronounce, which makes it more likely that potential customers can recall your name when they need you.

Be Unique

It’s important to avoid being overly generic. Generic names can make it difficult for customers to differentiate between you and your competitors.

Consider Your Audience

Consider who your target customers are and choose a name that makes them feel connected to your products or services.

Secure your Domain

Once you have the perfect name, make sure the corresponding domain name is available and secure it immediately to prevent others from using it.


What is BrandRoot's Business Name Generator?

Our business name generator is a tool that helps entrepreneurs, small business owners, and marketers generate creative business names with matching .com domains. Finding great business names that suit your business can be challenging, so we provide a free tool that takes the hassle out of finding the perfect name for your business.

How does the Business Name Generator work?

To use the business name generator, simply enter a keyword or two that best describe your business into the search bar and our AI-powered algorithm will generate hundreds of creative, catchy business names with matching .com domains.

Is BrandRoot's Business Name Generator really free?

Our AI-powered business name generator is 100% free to use and generates hundreds of available business name ideas in seconds. We do throw in some more premium domain name options from partner sites if they are relevant to your search, but our core business name generator is completely free to use.

Can I use the company names generated by the business name generator?

Yes, you can use the names generated by our business name generator, but it is important to make sure it does not infringe on any existing trademarks or intellectual property rights.

Can I register the domain after generating a business name?

We know how important it is to find the perfect website domain for your brand, so every business name generated by Brandroot's AI-powered business name generator comes with the option of registering the .com domain.